What can I, as your business coach, do for you?

Are you feeling overwhelmed? Struggling to get the results you desire in your business? Do you lack clarity of direction and feel like you are spinning your wheels and going circles? Or are you just starting out in business and you’re wondering where to start to create your online business?

There are a million ways to get visible, build an audience, sell your products and services, and make an impact online. But if you try to do them ALL, you end up with a pile of information, a pile of unfinished projects and a pile of feelings that are demotivating. You end up being busy all the time and getting nowhere fast.

It’s a challenge to focus with all the options available online. Each option is like a shiny object beckoning to distract you and slow down your momentum. It’s very easy to get led down the wrong path. This prevents you from getting traction in your business and the timely results desired.

I know. I’ve been there too and so have many other small business owners. It’s the curse of being an online business owner in an environment where we are bombarded with information and choices. It’s especially challenging in the early stages of starting a business. Like some of you, I had a huge amount of experience in business and as a long-time business owner but the online world is a whole different ball game compared to working in-person. Had I had the clarity I needed and the step-by-step roadmap with the right steps in the right order, I would have achieved results faster.

My aim is to help you to shorten your timeline to achieving your goals by applying my proven ‘get clear get results’ system. I’ll help you to create a step-by-step roadmap tailored to your situation and I will help you to break through the barriers that are holding you back. I offer you support, expertise and accountability so that you are moving your business forward on a timely basis. 




Limited Spaces Available.

Real Results for Real People Just Like You

I had an idea of the direction I wanted to go in, but Lynda provided me with much-needed clarity around my niche market. Initially, I was unsure and couldn’t see this, but her continued coaching and support gave me the clarity I needed.

Lynda also provided a wealth of information in how to optimize my online presence. Her guidance and support to navigate the digital landscape has been instrumental in helping me move forward much quicker than I would have been able to do by myself. Her insights provided me with a clearer perspective, and her ability to question my assumptions has been crucial in helping me overcome obstacles and self-doubt. This guidance has not only accelerated my progress but also instilled a greater sense of confidence in my decisions and capabilities.

Karen Stent

50+ Transformation Coach, SuccessMasters Ltd

I was just embarking on the coaching journey and was working on getting a better understanding of my “who” and nailing down the content in my training and my offer.

Lynda provided detailed insights into multiple areas of my coaching program that could be improved. She was kind, clear and forthright with what she did and did not like in the program. I really appreciated her suggestions knowing that the next time I run my program it will be 100 times better! She also freely shared her other ideas on ways I could offer my program to a slightly different audience with minor tweaks. The potential audience for my coaching program idea has expanded significantly without requiring major changes to my program.

Lynda is a master at business breakthrough and will be a huge asset in implementing a new business idea with success.

Rebekah Richards

Challenge Consultant, End Tech Paralysis

What if you...

Could move out of overwhelm and stop spinning your wheels?

Gained the clarity of direction and focus that you needed so that you knew exactly what you needed to do, when you needed to do it, and how you could achieve your goals step-by-step?

Had the support you needed to help you override your imposter syndrome and gain the courage and confidence you needed to move forward?

Were able to focus because you were held accountable for achieving results on a timely basis?

Had a personalized roadmap for your business that was tailored to your circumstances, your values, and your unique vision of success?






How it would feel as the overwhelm and stress slips away and is replaced with clarity and focus so that you are doing the right things at the right time in the right way leading you to successful outcomes and greater results.

What it would be like to not have to worry about draining your savings and where your next dollar is coming from.

Having the support, expertise and accountability that will help you to move forward with greater confidence, commitment, and ease.

How proud you would be to have achieved success on your terms and in your unique way.

Being a business owner who confidently makes a difference – purposeful, passionate, and impactful. A person of influence.




my Laser Coaching program.

Getting Started is Easy

Limited Spaces Available.

What is Laser Coaching?

Laser Coaching sessions are short sharp 20-minute Coaching sessions that help you to achieve your goals without being sidetracked. Sessions are designed to provide you with the support, the expertise and the accountability required to get timely results.

The information you provide on your application is the starting point and sets the foundation for the first session, a 40-minute Get Clear Kickstarter call. This is a strategy session where we will clarify your desired results and the nature of your challenges. We’ll zero in on the 1-3 things that are holding you back and together we will create a focused action plan for your next-step strategies. I’ll provide relevant tips and tools to help you in the implementation phase so you can begin taking action that will move you forward. A record of the conversation, your commitments and the actions to be taken will be kept alongside the results you achieve through the implementation phase. We’ll celebrate your wins and the progress you are making. Acknowledging and visibly seeing that progress will inspire you to take the next step.

You will be able to book as many Laser Coaching sessions as you need within the period of time you have signed up for. The only criteria is that you have to complete the action agreed to in the previous session in order to book the next session.

Laser Coaching is created for you to turn your passion and purpose into a rockstar business – a business that provides you with consistent income, independence and time for the important people and activities in your life.




It's designed to help you


to set up and grow your online business


it's tailored specifically to your needs

and the life you desire.

Together we will ...

Get Clear Get Results

Combined with


Building your confidence, clarity, and courage so that you get the desired results on a timely basis.


Access to a business savvy expert with in-depth experience across a range of industries and fields of expertise.


  • Keeping on Track
  • Monitoring Results
  • Tweaking as Required


Limited Spaces Available.

What's Included in the MOETIVATOR

Laser Coaching Program?

  • Pre-Meeting Preparation – review of your application answers and any other information provided.
  • One 40-minute high-impact 1:1 Get Clear Kickstarter call (recorded).
  • 3 months (90 days) or 6 months (180 days) of unlimited 20-minute coaching sessions providing support, expert advice, and accountability. *
  • Gap Analysis with recommendations. 
  • Roadmap with prioritized Actionable Steps.
  • Templates, tips, and tools for implementation as needed.
  • Record of our conversations, the commitments made and the actions you take. You’ll be able to clearly see and celebrate your journey, the breakthroughs, and your achievements.


*You will be able to book as many Laser Coaching sessions as you need within the time period you have signed up for. The only criteria is that you have to complete the action agreed to in the previous session in order to book the next session. 

Spaces are limited. There are 10 places available at any time. If these are full you can be placed on a waitlist for the next available spot or you may wish to consider booking a series of Breakthrough Coaching sessions. 

You will be billed in U.S. dollars. For New Zealand Residents Email: ATeam@getcleargetresults.com for New Zealand Pricing and information to make payment in New Zealand Dollars.

Your investment in Yourself

3 months

6 months

U.S. dollars


Email: ATeam@getcleargetresults.com for New Zealand Pricing and information to make payment in New Zealand Dollars.

Before I worked with Lynda, my mind certainly wasn’t open to all of the fantastic tools available to support my work. I was doing a lot of things manually and it was refreshing to have someone show me a better way!

Lynda always had helpful insights to share. She was extremely generous in sharing her own learnings and always went out of her way to share information with me that she thought would help my work.

My biggest takeaway was that I don’t have to do it all myself and rely on sheer grit and determination. There are always methods and tools out there to help me be more efficient and effective in my practice.

Lynda really does embody a growth mindset and helps to foster this in those she works alongside.


Penny Elliot

Communications and Engagement Manager

Starship Foundation and Freelancer

Need Clarity?

If you have a question that is not answered in the Frequently Asked Questions below, or need help selecting the right service for you, click the button below to book a FREE 20 minute chat.

There is no obligation or pressure in the conversation, it’s simply an opportunity to have your questions answered and an exploration of possibilities.

This program is right for you if ...

  • You want to have greater clarity and focus so that you are able to increase your reach and your revenue. You need to figure out what your options are and the best way to do this to get a timely result.


  • You want to share your knowledge and expertise online, change other people’s lives, and inspire them to new possibilities whilst building a successful business that you are passionate about.

  • You want to create an automated online system that brings actual paying clients to you on a regular basis 24/7, allowing you, and your family, the financial freedom and flexibility to live the life you want.

  • You have a lot of experience and many areas of expertise and need to refine or figure out what you will focus on in your business, the exact services you will provide, and the specific niche you will serve.

  • Your struggling to create a clear and compelling customer journey alongside a marketing message and pricing that magnetically attracts your ideal client. 


  • You find it challenging to identify and set up the right tools and technology needed to get your online business up and running.


  • You need to refine or figure out your marketing strategy so that you know what needs to be done, when, and how you can consistently market your business offers? 

  • You struggle with being visible online and need a plan and strategies that work for your personality and preferences.


and you are...

an Action Taker looking to be held accountable for staying focused and on track to achieve your goals and build your business to the next level.

Coachable and ready to accept the guidance offered from someone who is experienced, has been in your shoes, and is committed to your success.


Tired of trying to figure it all out on your own and spinning around in circles not making the progress you desire – you want to pick up the pace to get clear and get results.


Willing to step outside of your comfort zone to try out new ways of working and new strategies.

Seriously committed and ready to roll up your sleeves and get to work. You must be willing to consistently put in the effort to get the results and be patient enough to allow results to build over time.


Limited Spaces Available.

Working With Me

I work with action takers. Like me, they are curious and have a thirst to learn, improve, grow and evolve. They are the type of people that reflect on and take responsibility for their results with a willingness to pivot and try new ways of working and being when necessary to achieve their goals. 

My clients are also leaders in their field of expertise. They want to shine their brilliance out to the world and have a powerful positive rippling effect on the people they work with. They are passionate, purposeful, impactful and influential. They realize there is further to go, even if they aren’t sure how to do it, they know that they can evolve to the next level or pivot to explore new opportunities.

I’m often described as being very knowledgeable and insightful. Those qualities come mainly from two aspects of my background:

  • My diverse experience in a range of disciplines and industries. I’ve worked in large corporates, not-for-profits, and in the small to medium business sector as a business owner, a contractor, and an employee. Primarily I’ve been involved in business advisory (accounting, auditing systems, and business strategy), sales and marketing, leadership development, coaching, training, public speaking, and facilitating transformational experiences.


  • My extensive experience in coaching, training and developing leaders. To increase my impact and influence, I’ve always worked on and developed myself alongside working with others, and I continue to do so. I believe there is always further to go. I’ve had a coach/mentor for most of my working life. I have found this to be extremely beneficial not only for achieving results in my business but also achieving results in my personal life.


I’ve had many challenges in life that I’ve had to overcome so I understand what is required to move forward to achieve one’s dreams and aspirations even in the difficult times. Regardless of your age, if you are willing to do the work and you sense that we would be a good fit to work together, let’s do this! I can’t wait to read your application to see how I can best help you.


Let's Do This!

Limited Spaces Available.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is the MOETIVATOR Laser Coaching program for?

I work with Consultants, Coaches, Course Creators, Creatives, Bookkeepers, and other knowledge-based Service Providers who are Business Leaders, Business Owners or who aspire to be a Business Owner. I help them to get clear on the gaps in their business or career and get the results they desire -greater income on a consistent basis, greater visibility, greater impact, and greater influence. I provide support, expertise, and accountability and use my proven ‘Get Clear Get Results’ system to shorten their timeline to success.

Will this work for me?

It depends. If you are ready to roll your sleeves up and do the work, and ready to accept the guidance offered from someone who is experienced, has been in your shoes, and is committed to your success then yes, the MOETIVATOR Laser Coaching program will work for you. You also must be willing to step outside of your comfort zone to try new strategies and have enough patience to allow your results to build over time.

Can I really book an unlimited number of Coaching sessions?

Yes, you can! It is what it says... unlimited. Once you complete the task(s) we agreed to on the last Coaching session then you are more than welcome to book your next Coaching session. It's that Simple!

What if I don't have a clear goal to work on?

That's ok, we'll do a Gap Analysis for your business and figure out the priorities together in your Get Clear Kickstarter call. We'll set a goal, put together a simple plan based on your vision, your values and unique circumstances, and outline the steps you need to take to achieve your goal. We’ll ensure that you leave the session with a clear plan on what to do next.

What happens in a MOETIVATOR Laser Coaching session?

First, we refer to your goals and plan that we created in the Get Clear Kickstarter call or the tasks agreed to in the previous Coaching session so that we stay on track with the next step of the journey. We'll come up with the next task(s) to do that we both agree on. We make sure this is work that you are confident doing and can get done. Together we will figure out the best way to get the work done. I'll provide you with relevant tips, tools and templates that I have that will help you to implement with ease.

Do I work with you or someone on your team?

I personally coach each one of my clients. As a result, spaces in the MOETIVATOR Laser Coaching program are limited with 10 spaces being available at any one time.

What times and dates are available for booking coaching calls?

I'm based in Auckland, New Zealand and work worldwide. Coaching sessions are available Tuesday, Wednesdays, and Fridays, subject to availability. This is New Zealand Time - we are 1 day ahead of America & Europe. Bookings can be made up to 6 weeks in advance. If you don’t find a time suitable to you email me and we’ll work something out. ATeam@getcleargetresults.com

Do you offer a guarantee?

If you or I decide after the Get Clear Kickstarter call that we really aren't a good fit to work together I will refund your full payment less $197 US dollars (converted to New Zealand dollars if paid in that currency) to cover the Get Clear Kickstarter call and Pre-Meeting Preparation. You will leave with having set a clear goal and an outline of your action steps you need to take to move forward and reach your goal. As well, you will have gained greater insight of where you are at in your business, your aspirations, and your challenges.

How do I get started?

It takes 3 easy steps to get started: 1. Complete the application form to work with me or book a Free Clarity Call. Tell me about your business, your aspirations, your challenges, and what you need help with. 2. We'll decide if we're a good fit to work together. This may involve a brief call to finalize the best option for helping you. 3. Once you accept an option, I send you an invoice, you pay the fee, and we begin by you booking your Get Clear Kickstarter call at a time that works for you within my set hours. Once the fee is paid, I will send you a link to make your booking online.

What happens if I get stuck between sessions?

At the end of every Coaching session together we ensure that you are clear about what needs to be done and how. The sessions are also recorded so that you can revisit the conversation. If you are however really stuck, send me an email. I don't want you to be held back.

What happens if I need to change the time I have booked for a Coaching session?

Sessions can be rescheduled up to 7 days in advance of the time of your session. If you have an appointment that is unable to be rescheduled (that is, it is within the 7-day period) and you wish to cancel it, please have the courtesy to advise us ASAP by emailing ATeam@getcleargetresults.com. This allows others to take that space.

Do you offer payment plans?

As a general rule, we do not offer payment plans for this offer; however, if this would prohibit you from moving forward, please contact us at ATeam@getcleargetresults.com and we will see what we can do.

How many clients do you accept at any one time in the MOETIVATOR Laser Coaching program?

I only open this program for up to 10 people at a time. When spaces are full you can be placed on a waitlist for the next available spot or you may wish to consider booking a series of Breakthrough Coaching sessions. The same application is used for both programs so start there. If the MOETIVATOR Laser Coaching program is full, I'll provide you with further details on your options and when I next anticipate a space opening in the program. If you are unsure which program is right for you either book a FREE Clarity Call or contact us by email at ATeam@getcleargetresults.com.



Let me help you achieve your dreams and aspirations.

©2024 Get Clear Get Results

Biz Moejo Limited. All Rights Reserved.